Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Industrial Revolution!!

    The Industrial Revolution is the movement from when people started moving from farms in to cities. Farms are in the bast and factory's are the future.In this blog it will tell about how everyone had a job and how they were treated during there work days. 
    In this blog i hope to get a better understanding of how to make a blog so when i'm in college and i have to make one I'll know.

    Airplane: With the creation of the airplane gave/gives us the ability to fly any where we would have too. The Wright Brothers created the airplane in 1903. The Wright Brothers changed the world by making it easier to trades port good.
         Sewing Machine:Elias Howe created the sewing machine in 1844. This forever changed the way clothes were made and allowed the mass production of clothing.
     Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell created the telephone in 1876. The telephone further improved communications and eventually led to the various communications devices used today.

     Cell phone!:Martin Cooper changed the world in 1973 by changing the telephone into portable.By having cell phones it opened new doors to communication. People are now able to talk to others anywhere they are without wires!
         Unionization: is when the workers of the factory's can together to form strikes to get their working conditions changed. I agree with it,I would have joined a union if I was back then. The worker had it hard back then didn't have any breaks and it was very unsafe.

         Atheism: the belief of no god. this -ism exist everywhere.